The common problem for many women is holding back their enthusiasm for marrying the man they love. The guy does not seem to be on the same page as you about marriage and you can’t figure out why. Maybe you are mistaking what he is thinking or how he feels about you. Check out this article for some hints.
Will He Ever Marry You?
Every chick knows how hard it is when she puts in serious time with a guy who refuses to commit... until he moves on to his next girlfriend, and then suddenly, he’s springing for a rock.Women assume that a guy will pop the question once he finds someone he’s compatible with, i.e., The One. But that’s not enough to push him over the edge, according to clinical psychologist Alon Gratch, PhD, author of If Men Could Talk. What, then, does it take?
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So do your homework on your man and find what you must do to keep the pressure off him. You want to get married not scare him away.