Watch for Those Signs Your Boyfriend is Into You

If you are wondering how to tell if a guy is interested in you, there are some tell tale signs to watch for. Some of the things a guy will do are subconscious, meaning they do not realize they are doing it. Its body language and it works so do your best to learn some of these things. Although there are only five signs here signaling a guy is either interested or not, there are actually many more.

Five Signs Your Date is Into You and Five He’s Not
Having trouble figuring out your guy’s level of interest in you? Sometimes, the proof is in his body language. To understand what your honey’s movement, eye contact and even posture reveal about his true feelings for you, check out these hints from Greg Hartley, former Army Special Forces interrogator and author of I Can Read You Like a Book: How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language. Continue article here.

So get out there and watch how people interact and you will start to notice those little clues. If you see a couple in a bar talking, look at their body language and try to decipher it. You will be amazed when you know what to look for.